Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) Useful information - Judicial Review
Areas of ImmigrationOur TeamPartners
This page does not constitute legal advice, and should be checked by a legal professional before any reliance is placed upon it. All external links were working at the time of publication.
Opening Hours - London Office
*After 1430 non-urgent applications will not be issued. They can be handed in, and a receipt may be issued for the matter to be issued the following day.
FormsExternal links to UT(IAC)
T480 - Judicial review claim form T483 - Judicial Review. Application for urgent consideration. T484 - Application notice T485 - Statement of service T486 - Change of Solicitor Daily List - Updated after 14:30
Practice Directions2 October 2017 - Appointment of Sir Peter Lane
13 Apr 2016 - Bio Mr Justice McCloskey 09 Dec 2013 - Delegation of functions to staff in the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) on or after 9 December 2013 11 Nov 2013 - Immigration judicial review in the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the Upper Tribunal 29 Apr 2014 - Practice statement on fresh claim judicial review in the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the Upper Tribunal |
Guidance + RulesTribunal Procedure Rules - Here
T481 Notes - Upper Tribunal - Immigration and Asylum Chamber. Guidance Notes on Completing the UTIAC Judicial Review Claim Form. Procedural CasesTo be updated
Upper Tribunal Contact Details - London
Service is to be effected on the SSHD within nine days, on the date the bundle is sent to the SSHD, the T485 - Statement of service is to be sent to the Tribunal and can now be emailed.
Address for Service of T480 (SSHD Cases):
Home Office Litigation Allocation Unit, 6 New Square, Bedfont Lakes, Feltham, Middlesex, TW14 8HA. |
Address for Service of T480 (FTT Cases):
HMCTS Customer Service Team Customer Direcorate 102 Petty France Post Point 10.34 London SW1H 9AJ |
The UT fees SI is here this must be checked to ensure that these are correct:
Fee remission form EX160 and guidance here
For permission to apply for judicial review. £154
Where the Tribunal has made an order on permission for judicial review, there is payable by the applicant a further fee
(fee 1.1(a)) On applying for a request to reconsider at a hearing a decision on permission - £385
(fee 1.1(b)) Where fee 1.1(a) has been paid and permission is granted at a hearing, the amount payable under fee 1.2. £385
(fee 1.2) If the proceedings are granted permission on the papers. £770
(fee 1.3) If the claim for judicial review was started otherwise than by an application for permission to apply for judicial review. £154
Fee remission form EX160 and guidance here
For permission to apply for judicial review. £154
Where the Tribunal has made an order on permission for judicial review, there is payable by the applicant a further fee
(fee 1.1(a)) On applying for a request to reconsider at a hearing a decision on permission - £385
(fee 1.1(b)) Where fee 1.1(a) has been paid and permission is granted at a hearing, the amount payable under fee 1.2. £385
(fee 1.2) If the proceedings are granted permission on the papers. £770
(fee 1.3) If the claim for judicial review was started otherwise than by an application for permission to apply for judicial review. £154
To obtain a transcript complete the attached form and send to Ubiqus. It is best practice to contact them the following day and confirm that they have the form and all information they need.
DX: Ubiqus DX1049 Chancery Lane
Fax: 020 7405 9884
Email: [email protected]
DX: Ubiqus DX1049 Chancery Lane
Fax: 020 7405 9884
Email: [email protected]

ex107_0617_new.pdf |